
According to a recent report by Dyslexia International, dyslexia is one of the most prevalent learning disabilities. Jobs for dyslexics are entitled to reasonable adjustments to compensate for their disability, according to the legislation. People who are not neurodiverse, however, may find it difficult to fully comprehend this condition and the accommodations that can be made for it in the workplace. Here are some quick facts on dyslexia and suggestions for how to help a dyslexic employee.

Quick Information On Dyslexia

  • Dyslexia affects roughly 10% of the world’s population.
  • A neurological disorder called dyslexia has no impact on a person’s intelligence.
  • Dyslexics may struggle to understand letters, words, numbers, or both.
  • Many people with dyslexia pick up coping mechanisms or create them on their own to enable them to participate in society.

Support Measures You Can Take For A Dyslexic Employee

While some people with dyslexia are aware of their problems from childhood, others become aware of them as adults. However, for both to do effectively at work, they need the support of their management and coworkers. What you can do is:

Inform Your Team About Jobs For Dyslexics

The stereotype that persons with dyslexia are unintelligent or lazy is a long-standing one, but this could not be further from the truth. Because of this, it’s crucial to give your staff current information about the condition so they can better understand what challenges their dyslexic coworker faces daily and how they can support him.

Adapt The Communication Strategy For Your Team

The central aspect of dyslexia is how people perceive language. Those with dyslexia have trouble reading written information, while others have difficulty recalling what has been told. Please find out how your coworker remembers things the best by speaking with them. Do they need to hear it said to them and then have it written down? Can they manage emails, or are post-it notes preferable? Giving your colleague a brief post-it note or an email with bullet points rather than paragraphs may be helpful because those with dyslexia frequently find it challenging to extract essential information from lengthy texts.

Speaking and visual material are both simpler for people with dyslexia to process. On the other hand, some employees with dyslexia find it simpler to read the information in a large font and/or on a coloured backdrop. Instruct your team to bear this in mind while job for dyslexic employees by making sure they are aware of it.

Set Up A Peaceful Workspace

A dyslexic person could find it challenging to focus in a busy or open-plan office. Try to place them in an area with less noise and minimal distractions. Consider telecommuting or flexible scheduling for challenging projects if this isn’t an option.

Offer Auxiliary Aids And Technologies

The appropriate technology can make your colleague’s job much more manageable. Assistive technology might be pretty simple or highly complex. This can include using speech-to-text software to eliminate the need for writing by simply installing a top-notch spelling and grammar checker.

Many people with dyslexia also struggle with proofreading their work since their impaired brain function prevents them from recognising faults when they are being read. Sadly, this is frequently considered to mean that care or attention to detail has yet to be given.

Text-to-voice software can significantly increase the quality of one’s work because you can hear mistakes when the text is played back to you rather than having to seek them on a screen. Word prediction software and text-to-speech apps are only a few dyslexic people’s aids that are being produced more and more.

Give Additional Time To Complete Assignments

The most crucial factor to consider when managing or collaborating with someone with dyslexia. Said our brains have different programming. This may make it harder to read or organise one’s ideas, which will require more time.

It could take longer to find information on a page, and one might need to proofread things several times, get easily distracted, or be a slow reader. Whatever the problem, stress exacerbates dyslexia symptoms, so giving us enough time to complete a task will ensure that the final product is of the highest calibre and free of errors brought on by stress.

Scope Return On Investment For A Dyslexic Employee

Numerous successful individuals, like Salma Hayek, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, John Lennon, and Pablo Picasso, had dyslexia. And this shows unequivocally that having dyslexia does not equate to being stupid or lazy. Therefore, if you try to help your dyslexic employee, you’ll probably see a return on your investment in the form of decreased absenteeism, stress levels, and excellent performance and productivity.


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