
Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? When it comes to official stats only 20% of the population is actually getting the recommended amount of five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That’s simply not enough. Doctors and experts recommend five servings for a very good reason. Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients that our bodies urgently need. And not just once but every single day. Here are five reasons smoothies are the new way to get your greens and hit your five a day:

1. They’re Nutritional

Fruits and vegetables are packed with important fibers and vitamins. So what can a person do that’s time constrained? One great solution are the delicious smoothies from fivereasons. Fivereasons has developed a new system to freeze dry fruits and vegetables and then immediately pack them so they stay fresh. Each smoothie contains the equivalent of about 200-300 grams of fresh produce. And the best part is : The nutrients remain intact. The freeze dry process simply removes water from the fruits and vegetables and the majority of the nutrients remain intact.

2. They’re Easy

All you have to do is add water and enjoy. That’s it. You can get your daily load of vitamins in just 30 seconds. If you want to improve your health then make sure you visit fivereasons.eu and get your first box right now. If you use the promo code november22 then you save 50% on your first order.

3. They Taste Great

Each smoothie has a unique recipe and contains between 5-10 different fruits and vegetables. The sun punch smoothie is one of my personal favorites. Packed with vitamin c which is especially needed during the cold winter months. The sun punch smoothie has the following ingredients: 1 slice of Pineapple, 1/5 of Mango, 4 Sea Buckthorn, 1 slice of Orange, 1/2 Apricot, 1 slice of Papaya. They also have 5 other flavors so you can get a balanced diet without much effort.

4. They’re Perfect For A Busy Lifestyle

Fivereasons smoothies are perfect for families and busy people. Let’s be honest. Who has the time to go shopping and prepare a smoothie each day. It can easily take 30 minutes to peel and mix the ingredients. And then you also have to clean after. Now you can simply open up one of the compostable packages and enjoy a smoothie in under 30 seconds.

5. They Help With Food Waste

When was the last time you ate more than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a single day? I bet this has been a while. The smoothies make it very easy for you to get your daily nutrients. The best part is that the packages last for over one year after purchase. Say goodbye to food waste and hello to delicious healthy smoothies every day. The smoothies also make a great snack replacement. The fibers in the smoothies will help to keep you feeling full longer so you can avoid some of those cravings you might have.

All in all we believe that the smoothies from fivereasons should be part of any diet. Make sure you visit their website and check it out.

Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables ? Please let us know in the comments we would love to hear from you


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