Category: Healthy Living

How To Get On Top Of Your Finances When You Have A Mental Illness

[ad_1] Mental illness has become a significant problem in the United States, with one in five adults experiencing some form of mental illness each year. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), mental illness costs the nation $1 trillion in lost earnings yearly. Mental illnesses can be pretty taxing financially, not…

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4 Health-Focused Ways To Spend Your Holiday

[ad_1] With the various stresses of our daily lives, it can be easy to forget to properly look after ourselves. Whether it’s eating healthy, staying physically active or practising self-love – each and every one of us deserve some time off for us and our wellbeing. A great way to spend that time…

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How To Support Someone After They’ve Completed Rehab

[ad_1] Learning how to create a safe space for a loved one after they’ve returned home from rehab can be crucial in a successful recovery. Understanding the emotions of yourself and your loved one in this dynamic situation can provide a challenge but, if done with proper nurturance, can lead to a stronger…

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What Are The Signs of Post Traumatic Stress? Alexander Frankian Dives Into Causes And Treatments

[ad_1] Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition that can develop after someone has experienced a traumatic event. This can include anything from being in a car accident to being the victim of a crime. Entrepreneur Alexander Frankian in Lake Hughes, CA, understands that people with PTSD may experience flashbacks, nightmares,…

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How To Effectively Negotiate Your Hospital Bills?

[ad_1] Hospital bills can be a big financial burden, but there are a few ways to repay them. One option is to set up a payment plan with the hospital to make the payments more manageable and ensure that you don’t fall behind. Another option is to contact your insurance company and see…

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The Core Tenets Of Staying Hygienic At The Gym 

[ad_1] The gym business is on a steady track of recovery, with market size projections for 2022 reaching over $32 billion, according to IBISWorld. This represents a growth rate of 4.2 percent from the previous year. But given that people are more concerned than ever for their health, gyms are going to be much…

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