
PCOS is a condition where women have few, unusual, or long menstruation periods. It’s a result of too much androgen in their system, a male hormone. It affects millions of people around the globe. However, many are still unaware of how to live with this condition.

The global prevalence of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is estimated to be between 4% to 20%. The World Health Organization (WHO) found that about 116 million women worldwide are affected by PCOS.

Help manage the symptoms by following the five lifestyle changes women with PCOS should make.

Be Mindful When Taking Your Medicine

Once diagnosed with PCOS, a physician may prescribe you medication to cause ovulation. Some medications will help your ovaries release eggs normally. However, if you don’t plan on getting pregnant, the doctor may prescribe and instruct you to buy birth control pills and diabetes medication, and other medications that treat other symptoms.

It would also be beneficial to take vitamin E and fish oils in addition to your medicine. These items are found to decrease insulin levels, and it’s a great assistance to your medicine; however, before including it immediately in your routine, double-check with your physician if it’s safe.

Sadly, there are numerous medications and things a PCOS patient has to observe and take. The total costs of medications and trips to the clinic may become too costly. Thankfully, you can use coupons to lower the cost of your bill at the pharmacy. Just visit this website: https://www.buzzrx.com/.

Be sure to mark when you’re supposed to drink all of your medications and vitamins so that you don’t forget to take them. Always be consistent and follow your physician’s orders.

Manage Weight

Numerous women with PCOS are overweight, but not all are overweight. Over time, they may become obese, leading to numerous health problems, e.g., type 2 diabetes, infertility, and cardiovascular diseases.

You can manage your weight by signing up for a diet plan low in calories and fat from registered nutritionists or dietitians. Professionals like these can help you keep track of the food you eat using calorie-counting aids and just writing it down to be analyzed later on.

The key to losing weight is paying attention to portion size and having a well-balanced diet, which will be discussed after this section, in addition to why you should reduce consuming too many sugars and carbohydrates.

Reduce Consuming Sugars And Carbohydrates

If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, you may already know that many women with this diagnosis have insulin resistance. It means that the body doesn’t use the hormone insulin effectively. The pancreas produces insulin, and it’s responsible for enabling the body to use sugar, or glucose, from the food you consume for energy.

Insulin also keeps the blood sugar level in check. If you’re seeking ways to lower your blood sugar and maintain a healthy level, your physician may recommend reducing your carbohydrate and sugar intake.

Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

PCOS patients with high levels of insulin are believed to have high levels of androgens which could further risk possible complications. Ensuring you eat and maintain a healthy diet can help manage your polycystic ovary syndrome.

When creating a well-balanced diet, it would be best if you focused on the following foods:

Dietary Fiber

Adding dietary fiber to your diet can help combat insulin resistance. Fiber can regulate the body’s use of sugars and check blood sugar. Taking 28-36 grams of fiber (soluble and insoluble) daily can improve your insulin needs. It may also help improve ovulation among premenopausal women with this condition. The following are foods that are high in fiber:

  • Lentils
  • Berries
  • Green peas
  • Beans
  • Chia seeds
  • Nuts (pistachios and almonds)
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados

Anti-inflammatory Food

The following food has improved reproduction and metabolism among women with PCOS. Due to the condition’s nature, adding this anti-inflammatory food to your diet can help control your weight and reduce inflammation and androgen.

  • Tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Fruits (strawberries, oranges, cherries, and blueberries(
  • Nuts (walnuts and almonds)
  • High fatty acids fishes (mackerel, salmon, and sardines)
  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach and kale)

Whole Grains

Eating carbohydrates is still an essential part of a balanced diet. You have to be careful when choosing what carbs to consume. You must reach for whole grains since these are high in fiber and won’t affect your blood sugar levels as much as refined carbohydrates would. Opt for the following examples of whole grains:

  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Black rice
  • Farro
  • Millet
  • Brown rice
  • Red rice
  • Corn
  • Farro

Exercise Regularly

Exercising can help you combat obesity by building muscle mass and burning calories, which as a result, decreases insulin resistance. Exercising has numerous benefits in helping treat PCOS, including lowering cholesterol levels and other hormones, e.g., testosterone.

You can do simple exercises like running for at least 30 to 60 minutes, or some endurance training at the gym, abs workouts, aerobic exercises, etc. Any exercises would do; ensure you’re doing them regularly to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Remember that it’s essential for individuals with PCOS to reach an optimal weight for good overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

Sadly, you can’t cure PCOS; but you can manage the symptoms. With the right amount of discipline and will to drink your medicines and stay within your diet, you can also help alleviate your symptoms.


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