
The liver is primarily responsible for breaking down alcohol. Numerous factors influence how long alcohol remains in your system.  The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) conducted a comprehensive study to find out the lasting effects of alcohol on humans. 

It might be challenging to determine whether you are legally safe to drive when you don’t grasp these elements, which can have deadly results.

Moreover, several factors affect how quickly the body metabolizes alcohol. These factors include the following:

  • A person’s age.
  • Weight.
  • Genetics.
  • Alcohol consumption history.
  • Type of alcohol consumed.
  • Amount of food consumed.

One might have to get through an alcohol test before getting into an alcohol detox program or job interview. 

In this article, we shall help you decode the timeline of alcohol presence in your body. We’ll discuss the different factors that affect the presence and how you can help yourself come out of the effects of alcoholism.

Testing Process Of Alcohol In The Body

Blood alcohol content is measured in milligrams per unit of blood volume. You can find the measurement displayed in percentage.

There’s a common belief that blood alcohol content indicates alcohol intake. However, this is not the case. 

A person’s weight, age, other hereditary characteristics, the presence or absence of food or other substances in the stomach, blood flow, and other factors all affect their blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Alcohol Metabolizing Process In The Body

Alcohol does not go through the same lengthy digestion in the digestive tract that food does. However, it still goes through the system. 

A large amount of the substance passes through the tissue lining of the stomach and upper small intestines. Then, it goes into the bloodstream as soon as it reaches the upper gastrointestinal tract. Next, it travels to the brain from the bloodstream and continues throughout the body. However, the absorption process could be slower when food is in the stomach. 

Alcohol usually gets absorbed by food present in your stomach. Moreover, suppose you have food in your stomach. In that case, it also prevents the alcohol from contacting the stomach lining during its passage from the stomach into the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Therefore, in the absence of food, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly.

How Long Does Alcohol Stay In The Body?

Several factors, including age, weight, recent meal intake, liver illness, medications, and the interval between drinks, can affect how long alcohol remains in the bloodstream. However, according to studies, alcohol metabolism decreases with age. Moreover, its consequences can become more pronounced for individuals who are smaller in stature and weigh less. Additionally, drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can exacerbate its effects, and mixing alcohol with drugs might have harmful side effects.

Liver problems can also harm alcohol processing and management. Moreover, brief binges can also amplify the effects of alcohol. 

National Institutes of Health estimates that one drink takes three hours to fully digest and leave the body, whereas two drinks take more than four hours. Driving after intoxication is not advised by the National Institutes of Health.

How Much Time Does It Take To Get Alcohol Out Of The System?

The alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which has an average metabolism rate of 15–25 milligrams per hour, breaks down alcohol in the liver. 

Sweat, breath, and urine eliminate between 2% and 5% alcohol. Water consumption and sleep do not hasten the breakdown and excretion of alcohol, nor do coffee or showers hasten sobriety. The blood alcohol content (BAC) will keep rising as long as consumption outpaces removal. 

To verify intoxication or recent drinking, physicians frequently rely on observations of alcohol use or breath tests. The detection time of alcohol varies depending on the test utilized.

Alcohol Overdose

Due to the liver’s incapacity to eliminate alcohol from the bloodstream, binge drinking raises the danger of overdosing. When someone engages in extreme binge drinking, consuming twice the recommended alcohol limit, it can be influenced by factors such as FOMO (fear of missing out) and can have serious health consequences. The danger is increased when alcohol is combined with opioid or sedative-hypnotic drugs. 

10.6% of all individuals in the US who were 12 years of age or older in 2021—29.5 million—had an alcohol consumption disorder. At 140,000 a year from liver failure, suicide, drunk driving, and accidents, alcohol-related deaths rank as the fourth most common cause of avoidable deaths.

People who are having trouble abusing alcohol might get assistance from American Addiction Centers (AAC). To assist you in beginning your recovery, their kind admissions navigators can hear your story, respond to inquiries, review treatment alternatives, and confirm insurance.


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